The popular pop singer Madonna is a prime example of the theory of Adorno and Horkheimers. She started in the industry as a product of her label and she was marketed for a worldwide audience. There image is marketed for a mass audience the same as many other boy bands this is what Adorno and Horkheimer described as 'mass culture'. Adorno and Horkheimer stated that the capitalist corporation was almost unstoppable, and don't allow the artist to be creative they are just aloud to make what sells. Adorno and Horkheimer said that the creation of artists that were remarkably similar was the 'cultural industry' that operated in the same way as manufacturing industries. The way in which they do this is by creating a song with catchy lyrics and hope that audiences will go out and spend money on the singles and the albums.
In a contrast to the singing talent of Madonna, Adele is a unique artist in which goes against all of the stereotypical conventions of an artist but also Adorno and Horkheimers theory of capitalistic views within the industry. The idea that Adele is part of the mass culture is silly as she follows her own style style and is not fussed about how she is shown in the media. She has a unique style that she use to be successful and is amongst her fans. She is part of one of the top four record labels, but the fact that she is so unique is the reason she is so successful, and this is what the labels know and use to make the money the want. In a way she is a part of the theory but in a completely different way.
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