Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Dance Rehearsal - Music Video

Digital Pack Analysis - Lloyd Banks

Above is a example of another digital pack from the R&B artist Lloyd Banks. The first thing I see is the hugh intertexual reference to money and the connotations of that. The dollar bill is iconic in the world for its gangster link and the fact that as a gangster you are constantly trying to get more money, legal or not. The idea that Lloyd Banks has chosen this style is to build a image for identify in which his fans of the him can look up to and aspire too. There are two ways of reading this pack. The first is the representations of youth and also in some cases black people and how they are shown in society, it is usually very negative relating to crime and violence that money could be the problem. The other way of reading the artwork is the fact that it could mean that it is for young people to have high dreams and could aspire to do as well as Lloyd and as the cover shows to make a lot of money. The colour scheme is very true to the gangster way of life and the dollar bill. Overall I like this digital pack due to it nature of building identities for the artist. With relation to my artist, we want to build a very light heart image and to show that the artist does not take himself too seriously.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Journal Three

This week have tried to focus on the final development before we start to shoot. We have chosen to do some rehearsals before we start to shoot to make sure that what is filmed is as high standard as the final video looks and sounds like. To do this we, as a group decided to meet every week and work on the dance routines that will be featured in our final music video. The dance we learnt this week were 'Macarena' and 'Cha Cha Side' because we plan to spoof theses throughout the video. I feel that theses rehearsal have been successful as we now have I primary idea of what the video will finally look like. Also from theses exercise we have found that we need to learn the dances to the beat of 'One More Time' as the beats are different for all the songs so we will have to speed up or slow down some of the dances. Also this week, I made sure that we had all the locations sorted before we started shooting. We have planned t soot at another school location, to accomplish a old more traditional feel to our video, and to make it more relatable.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Blog Feedback

Your posts are lacking labels

Calendar - Our Production Plan
Can’t see it
you should have pictures from a recce     How are you getting access to Woolwich Poly?
Potential Errors
Who wrote this cause I’ve read it 4 times now!
Progress, Ideas and Discussion
I can’t watch this video YouTube have blocked it for copyright – YOU SHOULD HAVE NOTICED THIS
Blog Feedback
Where are your comments on your feedback?
Digital Pack Analysis
Change the dimensions, it doesn’t fit
Capitalisum, creativity and the crisis in the music industry –
also spot the spelling mistake which Leanne DID MENTION IN YOUR FEEDBACK!
This serves no purpose as you have just copied and pasted you haven’t passed any comment on what you have understood from it or how this will impact on your artist in conjunction with the production of the digipak
Major Labels vs. Independent Labels
Copying and pasting from Wikipedia doesn’t constitute as research what it actual mean is that ‘I’m lazy’. You should be referencing where you are copying and pasting from and commenting on what knowledge you have gained and how this contribute to your project or even better read the research on the internet put it in your own words and reference whereyou got your knowledge from. You have actually got a really good video if you comment on it would be better.
As much as I love your visuals you also need to make relevant commentary on Big Four
Adorno and Horkheimers Theory some quotes in this would be good and also linking it to your artist
The Breif
Paradise - Coldplay (Directed by Mat Whitecross)
This lacks detail and clearly you have NOT EVEN BOTHERED TO ACTION LEANNES FEEDBACK because she already mentioned this.
  • I have now hopefully sorted the problem with the production plan and not being able to see it. 

  • I have now changed the locations write up into my own words to avoid mix-up with copying fellow group mates.

  •  I have now also added a post on Iconic Album Artworks with links to boosh.

Above is the feedback given by one of the course tutors. I feel that I still need to add a lot to my blog, I do understand the individual work load needed for the is high, but as a group we where told we can share the task of some the posts that are relate-able to our group work, such as location when that will be the same for all our groups. Id understand and will take on board the comments but the fact that I have been accused of copying all from other members is bit strong since there is no evidence to who did what task. This needs to be made clearer and we will discuss this as a group.