Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Journal Two

For the last week we have been getting the necessary preparation needed before we start to shoot out music video. This meant we had to draw out a detailed storyboard and then create a animatic which will give the rest of the class and us a basic image for the final video. We started this process with a discussion (which is below) which allowed us as a collective to decide what we like/didn't like and comment /queries about the idea so far. Thus allowing us to move on and start to study our song and figure out exactly what each part the song would look like in the final video.  As a group we worked together to finish the story board in the fastest time so that we could move on to creating the animatic. This was a key part of the process so far as it is the first time we see our ideas come together. Overall I think we have a good idea so far but I still think we need to look at the video layout and also the length of the song (as it last 5 minutes) it is hard to fill the whole thing. The next stage is to so a few screen test to make sure the idea can definitely be accomplished.

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