Wednesday 3 April 2013

Feedback from Screening

From these feedback sheets we can understand as a group that the things that need developing are;
  • Lip singing needs to be more synchronised with the song that is going on in the background.
  • The target audience should be suggested to be clubbers and why only male?
  • The pace of the music video doesn't match the sound, so needs to be changed slightly.
  • There should only be one parody per room.
  • The structure doesn't entirely make sense.
  • To adjust the pace of the video you could find a different edit of the song.
We as a group will now go trough each individual point that we have been given as audience feedback and we will make sure to develop these things so that they are better and so that it is suitable for the target audience.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Music Video - First Draft

This is our first draft of our music video for One More Time by BooSH. This is the version in which we will be sharing with our target audience in the first screening. The purpose of the screening is to get an idea of what our chosen demographic think of the video so far, and what they think needs developing. This is a very helpful was of getting information about our video, highlighting the positives and negatives. This version is not yet finished but it gives a clear idea of what our final video will look like.